
Rational Optimist

By Matt Ridley | 2025-02-12

I certainly had a predisposition to idealize the past utopia, while denouncing the presumed darkness that technology and innovation brought. Perhaps, I was overlooking all the good it has done in terms of standard of living. Today I am able to afford things that only a few rich could afford in the past centuries. This book corrected a serious error in my thinking. Absolutely loved it! The twenty first century is a magnificent time to be alive.

Staff Engineer: Leadership beyond the management track

By Will Larson | 2025-01-02

A canonical guide for aspiring staff engineers. Wrote this concise reference summary for myself.

Arnold: Education of a Bodybuilder

By Arnold Schwarzenegger | 2024-10-12

A really motivating read. Second part has some really great insights on hypertrophy.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikanth

By Eric Jorgenson | 2024-09-20

A compilation of all of Naval's wisdom in one book. Some content is redundant if you have already listened to his podcasts. But still worth reading.

Think and Grow rich

By Napolean Hill | 2024-07-02

Persistence and a postive mental attitude is all you need.

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement

By Eliyahu M. Goldratt | 2024-02-21

A really entertaining book. It stresses on the importance of identifying bottlenecks in a process in a business operations context. A system is only as strong as its weakest link.

The 4 Hour Work Week

By Tim Ferriss | 2024-01-12

I like the New Rich concept. Plus the nice techniques of avoiding distracting things/people. Also, the idea of outsourcing and automating life was interesting. Definitely influenced some of my lifestyle choices.

Shoe Dog

By Phil Night | 2023-12-11

The commodity brand that formed out of a betrayal. Was a good read.

Elon Musk

By Walter Isaacson | 2023-10-18

A really inspiring read. My second Walter Isaacson book after Steve Jobs.

Richest Man in Babylon

By George S. Clason | 2023-08-11

No jargons (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc). Just simple anecdotes stressing on building healthy financial habits.

Pragmatic Version Control Using Git

By Travis Swicegood | 2023-08-02

All things git. No documentation could ever cover git in such detail for me yet. I use this book as a manual. Wrote this blog inspired by this book.

The 5AM Club

By Robin Sharma | 2023-06-24

Always been a morning person. Was cool implementing this for a few weeks.

Steve Jobs

By Walter Isaacson | 2022-10-12

By far my favourite biography.

Atomic Habits

By James Clear | 2020-07-19

The most useful self help book I ever read. Profoundly impacted my life.


Conquering the mind


My takeaway: Staying authentic and not relying on prescriptions is the way for greatness.

How to get rich without getting lucky


If this audio were a book, I would have had an almost unreadable dog-eared copy of it by now.

Joe Rogan & Firas Zahabi Debate Scientific Truth


One of the favourite arguments I have watched yet. I share the same thoughts about determinism and free will.

Joe Rogan Experience #1309 - Naval Ravikanth


The first time I heard Naval, I was on a flight to the US, about to start a new journey. A remarkable way to get started for sure.

Favourite Quotes.

By Unknown | 2024-12-07

No technique of the mind will free you from the mind.

By Kapil Gupta | 2024-11-17

You become that which you are most consistently exposed to—control you environment.

By Marcus Aurelius | 2024-10-28

You cannot always trust yourself to the right thing—so eliminate the very possibility of doing the wrong thing.

By no one | 2024-10-17

The challenge of modernity is to avoid the fruits of modernity.

By Naval Ravikanth | 2024-10-14

Self-esteem is the reputation you build with yourself—it’s defined by what you choose to do when no one else is watching.

By Naval Ravikanth | 2024-10-13

Don't take yourself too seriously. You are just a monkey with a plan.